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CLA Lawncare Blog

Landscaping Tips – Birmingham, Alabama

licensed insured landscape contractors birmingham al
Honda Walk-Behind Leaf Blowers: Keeping Yours Maintained

Honda Walk-Behind Leaf Blowers: Keeping Yours Maintained

If you haven’t heard, the Honda Walk-Behind Leaf Blower is one of the best investments you could make when it comes to leaf blowers. It’s one of the most effective and useful tools on the market. This leaf blower is environmentally friendly with low emissions and an...

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Making a Shed into a Country Cabin

Making a Shed into a Country Cabin

Want to convert a pre-built shed into an off-grid cabin? It’s easy! Just find a killer deal on a used shed and move back to the land. You can turn a pre-built shed into a cabin with a little work and know-how. Plus, buying pre-built will save you a lot of time and...

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All About the Brown Recluse Spider

All About the Brown Recluse Spider

Known for its appearance and being “poisonous”, it is important that you get to learn more about brown recluse spider to ensure you know what to do in case you got bitten by one. They are especially bad here in central Alabama, and you run across them more than anyone...

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Why Does a Lawn Mower Shut Off in Wet Grass?

Have you ever tried mowing your lawn when it’s wet then your mower shut off? I’m assuming the answer is yes. Because you wouldn’t be here looking for an answer if you haven’t. Right?   A mower shuts off in wet grass because the ground may be softer than usual,...

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Lawn Problems: Cool-season Grasses

Turfgrasses are more or less like humans in terms of immunity. With proper maintenance, enough food, and managed stress levels, they can defend themselves from pathogen attacks or all other diseases. Like with humans, very few disease or problems can occur on a turf...

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Is It Okay To Fertilize Your Lawn During Winter?

Is It Okay To Fertilize Your Lawn During Winter?

  Lawn grass goes dormant in the winter for most parts of the country. Alabama’s no exception. However, if you want to keep your lawn healthy despite the season, you might want to fertilize it right? But is it okay to do so? Well, let’s find out and get to know...

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How To Mow A Lawn – Lawn Mowing Tips

  Regular mowing is an effective way to keep your lawn looking great. But poor mowing practices like mowing too short, mowing with dull blades, frequent mowing or cutting too much at once can cause problems with your lawn. So it’s important that you arm yourself...

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Lawn Sweepers – What are they? Do I need one?

A lawn sweeper does exactly what it says, it sweeps up your lawn just like you'd sweep the kitchen floor. Cool right! You're probably more familiar with leaf blowers which are honestly a better option if you have a lot of trees around your yard. Why? Because even a...

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Pet Proofing your Backyard

Pet Proofing your Backyard

Everyone needs some exercise, and our four-legged friends are no exception to that rule. It's great to let your dog run loose in a safely fenced-in area. before you do that, you need to make sure it is in fact a safe environment to let Fido run loose. This Guide is...

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Garden Landscaping & Lawn Care Services Companies in Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Lawn Grass Cutting & Leaf Raking Services Contractors in Alabama
Professional Landscaping, Mowing & Maintenance in Birmingham, Alabama
SOD Installation Services Company, Landscaping Contractors in Central Alabama
Birmingham Landscaping Services Companies, Alabama