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Lawn grass goes dormant in the winter for most parts of the country. Alabama’s no exception. However, if you want to keep your lawn healthy despite the season, you might want to fertilize it right? But is it okay to do so? Well, let’s find out and get to know some other tricks on how to keep your lawn looking healthy and great under the winter cold.




You heard that right. It’s perfectly fine to lightly fertilize your lawn once during the winter. Apply it with a spreader. As you work on the machine, grip the hand like a trigger. It will release pellets when you “shoot”. Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and apply only the recommended amount because too much fertilizer can burn your grass.


Aerate The Lawn


Aerating your lawn will provide some extra air for grassroots. Make holes for planting seeds across your lawn by using a spade to take out spikes of soils. Renting a motorized aerator or a manual one would be a good idea if you have a large lawn. Just be cautious about timing and the heavy rains we sometimes get in the winter months.


Spread Cool-Weather Grass Seed


Look for grass seeds that say, “cool season” or “cool weather” on the package. With the same spreader that you used for the fertilizer, sprinkle the seed over the lawn. Spreading the seeds evenly will ensure you won’t have clumps of grass later.


Rake and Water the Lawn


Break up soil clumps using a rake and cover the seeds a bit. Be sure to also water the lawn with a garden hose spray. Keep the soil moist and don’t let it dry out.


Clean it up.


Keep your lawn clean by ensuring you remove debris, leaves, or toys out of your lawn. These things can cause your grass to smother, invite insects, mice, and other damaging pests.



Lower Your Mower height by a Notch or Two.



Do it at least a couple of times you mow. Long grass can smother itself which may cause disease and increases the risk of damage from freezing and thawing conditions. But it’s also important not to cut the grass too short as you may expose the crown of the plant to extreme conditions.


Winters are unpredictable and can expose your lawn to extreme conditions during the entire season but following those simple yet useful steps above can help you keep your lawn healthy and ready for spring.